Digital Product Designer with previous experience in Fintech, Venture Capital, and creative consulting projects for Google, Facebook Reality Labs, ZOZO NEXT, among others. Currently, I am working as an Outsourced Digital Product Designer at BAC Latam to improve the banking experience for the Latin American region. Academically,  I attained a Bachelor's degree in Business from LEAD University, a Master's in Interaction Design from the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, and a Technical Graphic Design Degree from Veritas
In my time, I do Jiu-Jitsu and hike with my dog.
 Manifesto: This portfolio is carefully curated to show my skills and interests. I design with intention, so every single decision within my projects has a reason for being. Here, I reflect on what I did and where  I made mistakes, and although the process may seem linear and perfect, believe me, it wasn't.
Reach me by email  ( and LinkedIn.

Hiking with Renzo

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