To design a sustained intervention beyond information consumption, reposting, and digital petitions of a topic of interest.
How Might We confront sexist behavior on social media so users are more aware of it?
A pop-up that subtly engages male users when sending or posting sexist comments on social media.
The pop-up was iterated and tested with people to observe their reactions.
*More on the process below. The approach on the positive impact the app can have, not solely its UI.

Intervention moment

how it works
Concept explanation in the video below.

Concept explanation

Design challenge
To design a sustained intervention beyond information consumption, reposting, and digital petitions of a topic of interest.
The concept finds inspiration in the alarming growth rate of femicides in Costa Rica.
Hypotheses made
The four hypotheses made (1) men don’t know much about femicides and are reluctant to take a stance, (2) men are anxious about how male peers will perceive them, and (3) men might fall into sexist behavior even though they don’t consider themselves sexist, and (4) even if a man is sexist, he will not allow being recognized as such.
findings from hypotheses
These were the most significant findings I found when challenging the hypotheses, (1) men felt reluctant to take a stance against femicides on social media as they felt they were stealing the women's spotlight, and (2) women thought men shouldn't post about femicides, (3) both men and women agreed that education was the most important thing against sexism but could not acknowledge a specific initiative, (4) men felt reluctant to empower women as they feel anxious how male peers will perceive them, and (5) some men failed to identify why their comment was considered sexist.
Supporting quotes from interviewees:
"They don't know what it is to feel insecure every time you leave your house.”
"It's their battle, not mine. It's their time to speak.”
behavioral strategies
Action-Gap Strategy: The intervention moment happens when the man displays sexist behavior (posting or commenting).
Identity Strategy: (1) Confronting a man on his sexist behavior questions his identity, and (2) Educating men on why the comment they are posting/comment is sexist challenges their identity.
*Framework developed by Grid Impact
Bias Research Questions
Bias Research Questions
Behavioral strategies
Behavioral strategies
Bias Research Questions
Bias Research Questions
Behavioral Strategy
Behavioral Strategy
An intervention pop-up that subtly engaged male users when sending or posting sexist comments on social media. ​​​​​​​

Femicides news in Costa Rica

Femicides news

Concept explained

#againtsexism intends to make men more aware of their behavior on social media.
Special appreciation for all who contributed to making the project better.

Tools used: Figma, Sony Alpha6400, Behavioral Design Framework, Miro & Premiere Pro
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